Thursday, March 01, 2007


the infamous 'Chewie!'

Quick 'Sharpie' rough for
the last painting in the little
series... I might throw in
the backpack with "3PO's"
head and limbs stuffed in there,
from 'Empire.'
Nerd-out, baby! haha



At 11:24 PM, Blogger Justin Lee said...


oh man what a deadly sketch!
can't wait to see it finished!!


At 4:18 PM, Blogger chris swift said...

3 P.O. in bitz thats the only way I like him.

sweet chewie dag, why stop now!

I thought for sure you would tackle R2.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger mikecarloooyeah said...

For a seroius Gun Enthusiast, you have anfully cute style of cartooning. Awesome stuff Dagan, I like your quick sketchey stuff the best. It's nice to see more into your thought process and technique on how you get to your finished pieces, which are usually really slick and well designed. For someone like myself it's also nice to see this because I have alittle more trouble personally designing more graphic characters. Keep up the good work man.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger Mukpuddy said...

Awesome bro, the C3PO is a cool idea to! Great job on the Earthworm Jim and Gargamel dude!!

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very cool.
can't wait to see the final

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